Monday, January 3, 2011

Why Read to Your Baby?

     You have a new baby in your arms.  This child is tiny and perfect, a gift from heaven.  You want the best for this perfect child.  What can you do to help your child reach his/her potential?
    Read to your baby!  Make a goal to read at least 15 minutes a day.  “Children who learned to read early without formal instruction often came from homes where parents had read aloud to them regularly.” (Dolores Durkin 1966).
     When a child is young, this child hears sounds and eventually learns to talk and express language.  This come from listening to you read and talk to them.  As your child grows he/she learns new ideas and concepts by experiencing life and listening to you read.
     When your read a picture book to your child you are relaxed and enjoying the pictures and story along with your child.  Your child begins to realize that reading is enjoyable and it will peak his/her interest in learning to read as he/she grows and has the ability to hold a book and turn pages.
     “Having young children listen to stories is…a vital part of early literacy…because it builds capabilities such as…children’s vocabulary, and pleasure associated with storybook reading.” (Lenses on Reading p.45)
     Make sure you put time for reading with your children on your schedule.  Make it a priority.   If you have one child, read just to him/her.  If you have more children gather them around you.  Read books that you enjoy now, or books that you enjoyed as a child.  Make reading important in your family.  15 minutes a day of quiet family time will grow into a lifetime of enjoyed reading experiences!

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Why This Blog?

     Why did I start writing this blog?  Children should be able to read simple books by the end of Kindergarten.  Making sure that child...