Monday, October 18, 2010

Read to your Baby

It is never too early to read to your child. Read to your baby before your child is born. When your baby is born make a special time to read. When your child gets to be 6 months or older they love picture books. Get durable books, board books, books with pages that can be turned easily and can survive wear and tear because everything goes into his/her mouth. Babies love to be held and spoken to. As you read the book talk about colors, ask questions, talk about the pages. An infant won’t understand all the questions of the conversation, but it is the foundation of language.

Some children prefer books with built in activities, like lift flaps, touch and feel pages, or photographs. Children like the same story over and over. This is all right. Remember you are building vocabulary and closeness. The child is learning that reading is a skill worth learning. Let your baby choose what book he/she wants to listen to. He/she will come to have a favorite book or story but variety is also fine.

I was watching Rachael as her mother read to her while we were waiting in the airport. She was only 6 months old, but her hands flapped and her eyes got as big as saucers. Her smile was huge as she reached for the book. The very last page was a flap that lifted up. She squealed at the end of the book and wanted to start again. Rachael is on her way to being a reader. She has already found joy in books.

Because I teach school I want to be known as the “Book Grandma”. Surround your children and grandchildren with books. Make sure the books are within reach of the children. Put them at a level that they can be reached and loved. Children soon realize that there is a story within the pages. As you read to them they will begin to understand that a whole new world opens up as you read. So let’s, read, read, read!


  1. This looks awesome! I can't wait to read what you have each time you post!!!

  2. Hey Jane! This blog is amazing!! I love your suggestions. I love to read to my kids but I had no idea it can teach them so much more than just words! You are wonderful I can't wait to read more next time!

  3. I've always read with my kids as babies, and known it was important, but with my 5th baby I am so busy with the other kids that I sometimes forget. Thanks for reminding me about the importance of reading to my baby. I will do better.

  4. I remember reading with toddlers and elementary children and babies. We would gather on the front room floor with pillows and blankets and a laundry basket full of children's books. We would read until we dropped. It was such a snuggle time for mom and the kids.

  5. My wife worked swing shift so I would read bedtime stories with the kids. It was great, especially when they would say "read it again, daddy". Or if it was a chapter book, like Peter Pan, they'd say" don't stop".

  6. I love this post. I always read to my kids even before they were born and all my children seem to be doing well at reading. I believe this. Thanks Jane.


Why This Blog?

     Why did I start writing this blog?  Children should be able to read simple books by the end of Kindergarten.  Making sure that child...